Preschool years are a time of great creativity and social growth, WPK provides everything they need to soar.

We plan a day full of fun, engaging experiences designed to stimulate your preschooler’s body and mind. Children are encouraged to be independent and develop self-care skills. Your preschooler will love all the planned, fun experiences in language, math, science, social studies, music and art – and so much more! Your preschooler is growing up fast, potty-trained, and eager to learn new things! Your child is more coordinated and absorbing lots of information every day.

A peek into your preschooler’s day

- Children will learn to follow multiple step instructions
- Participation in logical thinking and problem solving situations
- Your child's day is carefully planned out with a variety of hands-on activities to encourage learning and socialization
- Your child will write their name, recognize letters, numbers, colors, shapes and more.
- Provide meaningful learning experiences by relating to real life
- Logical thinking and programs that inspire your kids to be curious!
- Foster a life-long love of learning and confidence!